Water Borehole Drilling, Geophysical surveys & Geological services
- Water Borehole drilling
- Geophysical surveys
- Borehole Installations
- Plumbing & Installation of overhead tanks
- Solar-powered Boreholes
- Manual or Handpump Boreholes
- Swimming Pools
- Fishponds & Fishfarms
We specialize in Geophysical surveys, Borehole drilling, Borehole Installations, Plumbing and installation of overhead tanks, Flushing of Boreholes, Solar-powered Boreholes, Manual or Handpump Boreholes for Communities or township, Swimming pools and Fishponds designing & construction, Environmental Impact (E.I.A), Minerals exploration & exploitation, Soil test/Geotecnics, etc
Contact: +234 904 042 8533 (or) 0911 610 9280
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